Leadership through Positive Influence

“Leadership through Positive Influence” is the second level workshop to Leadership Within a Collaborative Team Workshop. This 3 day workshop expands on the Emotional and Social Intelligence themes and concepts presented in Leadership in a Collaborative Environment. As these key concepts are referred to during the sessions, completion of the first workshop is essential before attendance at this level.

The workshop enables attendees to:

  • consider key experiences or influences that have inspired their current leadership practice;
  • present their leadership vision to the group;
  • refresh and build their communication skills;
  • explore and apply different leadership styles;
  • understanding of the principles of advanced negotiation techniques; and
  • effectively facilitate a resolution meeting between two members who are in conflict.

Key topics include:

  • presenting your leadership vision;
  • effective communication – the art of active listening and assertiveness;
  • emotional intelligence and leadership styles;
  • the Power of the Situation;
  • advanced negotiation; and
  • conflict facilitation skills.

"I benefited from all of the sessions, it really met my needs as a leader. Well done!"



Attendees comments include:

Always enjoy these courses – makes me a better person. Well done.

Thank you so much. This gave me more understating of people, assertiveness and emotional intelligence. Thank you for the self-reflection – will help in my personal life to.

Every aspect of the course was great as it just adds to my leadership tool box.

I always take great things away from these courses.

Enjoyed the course very much. Will use what I have learnt in the future.

I got a lot out of each session to help me throughout my job. Great Course!

Next Available Public Workshop

When: Dates to be advised

If you would like to discuss booking an inhouse workshop:

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