Rising Strong™ Workshop

The physics of vulnerability is simple: If we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall. Rising Strong is a book about what it takes to get back up and how owning our stories of struggle gives us the power to write a daring new ending. Struggle can be our greatest call to courage and the clearest path to a wholehearted life.
The Reckoning:
Recognise emotion, and get curious about our feelings and how they connect with the way we think and behave.
The Rumble:
Get honest about the stories we’re making up about our struggle, the challenge, these confabulations and assumptions to determine what’s truth, what’s self-protection, and what needs to change if we want to lead more wholehearted lives.
The Revolution:
Write a new ending to our story based on the key learnings from our rumble and use this new, braver story to change how we engage with the world and to ultimately transform the way we live, love, parent and lead.”

Attending the Rising Strong™ weekend intensive will help you to:
- Own your story – regardless of what it is
- Let your values guide the way
- Integrate what you do, how you this and what you feel into your wholehearted self
- Identify how you and others offload hurt
- Understand how emotions can hijack our story
- Rumble with emotions, vulnerability and shame
- Set boundaries; and
- Write your own courageous ending.
Workshop Information
The Workshop: 2.5 days of experiential learning that provides insights into how to rise after you have fallen face down into the dirt. Each day including exclusive Brené Brown videos and psycho-educations training on the role that story in our personal lives. It explores the importance of owning our stories, so we can write our own endings. You will receive a Rising Strong™ Guidebook.
Dates and Time:
Dates to be advised.
If you would like to discuss booking an inhouse workshop, please click on the link below to contact us: