Leadership in a Collaborative Environment

The workshop enables attendees to:
- build on participants current strengths and skills – recognising that each participant will have different tools in their leadership toolkit;
- remember, recognise and revitalise ‘their best’ as leaders;
- understand ESI principles in a meaningful, practical way;
- consider their leadership role and responsibilities within the organisational and team environment;
- ground concepts and develop strategies that will assist them to further develop their ESI and corresponding leadership skills; and
- apply ESI driven leadership practices in their workplace.
Key topics include:
- ‘bringing our best’ to the workplace – defining leadership qualities;
- self-management;
- introduction to leadership and the brain;
- foundations of ESI within leadership practice;
- leadership responsibilities and accountabilities;
- leading to enhance positive workplace behaviours;
- effective conflict resolution;
- performance management philosophy;
- introduction to effective negotiation;
- fostering collaborative relationships; and
- managing difficult conversations.
"One of the best training courses I have been on. I can see applications at work and home. Thank you."
Attendees comments include:
I have completed many courses over the years, this is the first course, I have not suffered from droopy eyelids. Well done and thank you for adding to my leadership and life skills.
I was a bit sceptical about attending ‘yet another leadership course’ but was pleasantly surprised to find that absolutely everything we covered was ‘new material’ or a different spin on things I’d learnt previously. Great course. Thanks!
This was Fantastic, it is a credit to both of you. Let me know when the next part of this is able to be done. Thank you very much.
You guys rock – thank you.
Life changing workshop. Thank you.
A well spent three days enhancing leadership skills.

Next Available Public Workshop
When: Tuesday 25th February – Thursday 27th February 2020
Where: 403 German Church Road, Redland Bay QLD 4165 Australia
Cost: Single Ticket $1 375 3 or more $1 210 per person