Leadership in a Collaborative Environment

“Leadership in a Collaborative Environment” is a three day workshop  facilitated by Registered Psychologists Gary and Liz Lane, with numbers being limited to no more than 20 delegates. This workshop provides additional insights and skills to develop the ESI in leaders, so they can enable staff to ‘bring their best’ to the workplace.

The workshop enables attendees to:

  • build on participants current strengths and skills – recognising that each participant will have different tools in their leadership toolkit;
  • remember, recognise and revitalise ‘their best’ as leaders;
  • understand ESI principles in a meaningful, practical way;
  • consider their leadership role and responsibilities within the organisational and team environment;
  • ground concepts and develop strategies that will assist them to further develop their ESI and corresponding leadership skills; and
  • apply ESI driven leadership practices in their workplace.

Key topics include:

  • ‘bringing our best’ to the workplace – defining leadership qualities;
  • self-management;
  • introduction to leadership and the brain;
  • foundations of ESI within leadership practice;
  • leadership responsibilities and accountabilities;
  • leading to enhance positive workplace behaviours;
  • effective conflict resolution;
  • performance management philosophy;
  • introduction to effective negotiation;
  • fostering collaborative relationships; and
  • managing difficult conversations.

"One of the best training courses I have been on. I can see applications at work and home. Thank you."



Attendees comments include:

I have completed many courses over the years, this is the first course, I have not suffered from droopy eyelids. Well done and thank you for adding to my leadership and life skills.

I was a bit sceptical about attending ‘yet another leadership course’ but was pleasantly surprised to find that absolutely everything we covered was ‘new material’ or a different spin on things I’d learnt previously. Great course. Thanks!

This was Fantastic, it is a credit to both of you. Let me know when the next part of this is able to be done. Thank you very much.

You guys rock – thank you.

Life changing workshop. Thank you.

A well spent three days enhancing leadership skills.

Next Available Public Workshop

When: Tuesday 25th February – Thursday 27th February 2020

Where: 403 German Church Road, Redland Bay  QLD 4165 Australia

Cost: Single Ticket  $1 375                                                    3 or more $1 210 per person

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