Peace of Mindfulness - the gateway to stress free living
Psychologists have employed mindfulness to assist in stress reduction since the late 1970’s. Simply stated, mindfulness is the practice of paying full attention to each moment, deliberately and non-judgmentally. Whilst this seems simple enough to do – most of us have to unlearn or overcome a lifetime of unhelpful negative thinking patterns, which take us to emotional states of worry, fear, anger, regret, sadness, etc. This workshop will teach you some useful strategies to overcome these patterns and help ground yourself into the moment.
Whilst mindfulness practices through a psychological framework have their origins in Eastern philosophy, it doesn’t need to be regarded as a spiritual or religious practice. Mindfulness is a skill that can be practiced by all regardless of their religious preferences.
By learning and living this practice you can enhance your well-being and reduce your stress reaction by;
- disengaging your autopilot;
- engaging fully in the invitation that life offers you;
- learning to watch your thoughts;
- making proactive, instead of reactive choices about your life; and
- finding some inner peace.
Please note that this workshop is designed to be delivered to adults within the context of an adult learning framework. We will accept enrollments for delegates aged 15 -17 if they are personally interested in the topic and are able to participate in an adult learning environment. However, these delegates will need to be accompanied by an adult.
We believe that this practice is key bringing your best to your life and is at the center of your well-being. As a commitment to our community we offer minimal fee workshops (some conditions apply) in this topic.
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